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Communication in accordance with the italian law art. 13 June 30 2003 n. 196

Agency owner: Studio Immobiliare Firenze di Riccardo Magursi located in Via di Ricorboli 9/r, 50126 Florence, registered at the agents of business mediation of the CCIAA Florence at No. FI-1764at No. REA 427,906, 04,233,080,482 VAT registration, tax code MGR RCR 63A21 D612M, telephone +39.055.686687, +39.055.687786 fax, e-mail, represented by its owner Mr. Richard Magursi.

Treatment Purposes: The personal informations requested will be handled mainly through data communication, but also paper, only for purposes related to execution and completion of the deal claimed in respect of the limits and conditions laid down by the law 11 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and more generally in the course of estate agency for the following purposes:
• pto comply with the request that the user is carrying out;
• for reasons of operational marketing and management;
• perform statistical analysis;
• to comply with statutory requirements.

Nature of the treatments: The assignments, fill out forms, and contracts with the request for personal data is voluntary, but not providing, or partially providing the data required in the fields marked with an asterisk will make it impossible to execute the proposal and to proceed with the conclusion of the deal.

Data Communications: The subjects to whom the data may be transmitted are the owners of the buildings proposed, and more generally in our registered users. site where the pages:, but also third parties in the cases provided by information and / or by the law but in the manner permitted by this.

User rights: The user can contact the data controller Mr. Richard Magursi for the exercise of rights under Art. 7 D. Lgs. 196/2003.

Mr. Richard Magursi not liable for any use of data made by third parties, companies and individuals who are contacted directly by the individual.

Con l'invio della presente richiesta l'interessato è a conoscenza ed accetta di essere inserito nella newsletter di con il vantaggio che potrà ricevere informative sulle offerte, promozioni ed anche eventi promossi da terzi, società e persone fisiche, che inseriscono le proprie strutture in detto sito web.

By sending this request the applicant is aware and agrees to be included in the newsletter with the advantage that they can receive information on offers, promotions and for events promoted by third parties, companies and individuals who refer to their facilities in this website.
The question is however aware that may unsubscribe at any time from the newsletter automatically.